SuperCool Mofos - a site I'm building just because I can!
This is a site I’m actually building from scratch using Underscores as a starter.
For non-tech readers, this is a a super basic starter that has the baseline code standards that you can customize and make your own.
When you first load it, it looks like a very early blog website. Remember Myspace? It looks worse than that!
Homepage Before
Homepage After

This all began with me asking my friend who is a graphic designer, “Hey, will you make me a mock-up of a homepage on photoshop and I’ll re-create it using code?”
And he says, “Sure!” He designed it as a mock-up for a pretend design agency, but I changed it to a podcast because I also said, “Hey! We should do a podcast!”
And then he said, “Who’ll listen to it?”
So maybe it’ll happen and this fake site I’m building will become something cool.
I’m digging the 70s vibe, aren’t you?